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Huwebes, Marso 1, 2012

Tips To Win With A Loose Aggressive Strategy

It's quite common knowledge that the most lucrative advanced poker strategy is a loose aggressive strategy. When you can play this strategy effectively it opens up many doors for you. It enables you to sit down at practically any poker table and start winning, and win lots.

There are many ways to play this strategy and all the different methods have their ups and downs. These tips will support you no matter which way you decide to take yourself.

Advanced Poker Strategy - Loose Aggressive Strategy Tip #1

Always know or have an idea of each of your opponents starting hands, or starting hand range. This will give you an idea of who you can take on easily and who you should back down from if the time comes.

Advanced Poker Strategy - Loose Aggressive Strategy Tip #2

Don't get all hyped-up about hitting a premium hand. This is just another hand when you are playing loose aggressive. You might hit the flop or you might not. It's sometimes fun to take this to the showdown and show it though, people get so mad when you play loose and beat them with pure power.

Advanced Poker Strategy - Loose Aggressive Strategy Tip #3

Likewise, don't worry about being check raised. You could go to the flop with a premium hand and not hit it. Or you could go with poor cards and make a set or something. If someone is checking generally I put them on not being sure about their cards

Advanced Poker Strategy - Loose Aggressive Strategy Tip #4

And the final tip. If there are other good players at the table you will need to mix up your own style. If you play loose aggressive for too long they might catch on and start targeting you. So mix it up and change gears every so often.

You are probably becoming aware of how you can incorporate these tips into your own game to enable you to win more pots more easily. And you surely realizing that the reason you can now do this is because you took the time to read and learn this information.

So how much could you improve your game if you regularly took the time to research and learn tips like these? What would that do to your overall bottom line? Can I suggest that the truly successful players - the ones that are making many thousands of dollars playing poker - took quite a lot of time to read and learn and figure out how to win so easily?

If you want to be successful I think you should do the same. It is a tried and proven method.


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