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Martes, Enero 3, 2012

Why Do People Play Poker?

Do you like to ride roller coasters? Do you like competing and demonstrating your skills? Any contest of skill or luck can generate some level of excitement - the release of chemicals in the brain that prepares one for growth which enhances performance and mood.

People play poker for a variety of reasons; like they have various reasons for any activity in which they choose to engage. Some of the reasons identified for playing poker include entertainment, personal challenge, socialization, and profit. People go to work every day for a variety of reasons; examples include, to make money, to interact with others, and to enjoy the application of skills. Social interaction promotes personal security, skill application enhances confidence, and money of course provides the opportunity for more choices. Poker is somewhat about acting - experimenting with alternate egos and personas that might be lead to enhanced success.

For some, success means profit - improving one's financial status. An activity that involves socializing successfully is often comforting to people.

Poker is fun and entertaining. Winning a poker hand can produce results such as a payoff for taking a risk, the confirmation of skills, and the acknowledgement that practice has benefits. It can produce an adrenaline rush due to the uncertainty factor, the prospects of acquisition, and actual acquisition. The uncertainty factor comes from the hormones release in situations that have unknown outcomes. Situations are fluid and outcomes are somewhat predictable but uncertain. To prepare for dealing with various outcomes, one's body has to prepare for uncertainty. To prepare to deal with the consequences of an outcome, one's body and mind have to be energized - stimulated by hormones.

One has to be alert to cues that help plan the various possible actions related to strategy or at least to make decisions that are likely to lead to favorable outcomes. This not only applies to poker but to life skills. In 2007 Mike Eikenberry wrote, "First, the development or improvement of a number of traits and skills can make the amateur more successful in his or her personal and business lives. These include:

• an enhanced ability to be patient and more selective,
• improved observation and listening habits,
• a better ability for honest self-evaluation, increased self-discipline,
• an improved ability to bounce back from adversity without emotional turmoil,
• an appreciation for considering all possibilities with the broadest of perspectives,
• the ability to reason deductively under pressure,
• an appreciation for money management,
• better memorization skills, and
• finely honed negotiation talents."

The preparation for the challenge of understanding the dynamics of poker and learning how to maximize the potential for favorable outcomes demands formal or informal learning. One's abilities are tested and success gives one feedback on how their talents or efforts are paying off. They get feedback on how to alter behavior to enhance success or reduce risk. If you are not successful you might come to the conclusion you are ill-suited for the game - time to try something else. Most likely one will be energized to find ways to improve their chances of success. Actions might include, paying attention to outcomes and the actions of others, studying the game methodically, or just asking questions. Changes in behavior can enhance success - changes that come through the energies generated by the prospects of success. The pursuit of success improves mental acuity - the enhancement of attention, memory, and decision-making. One has to remain alert to avoid mistakes and prepare for the next challenge.

Why do people play poker? It is exciting, having the potential of being fun and rewarding. It is one of the ways people engage in competition and achieve a sense of success. Chemicals in the brain prepare for the challenge to enhance the potential for success. Success enhances one's since of security - if you are successful, you feel a greater sense of security. If you are successful you have more reason to believe in yourself


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