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Martes, Enero 31, 2012

Poker Strategy - Types of Poker Players

Being poker faced is all about hiding your feelings and keeping an expressionless face. Poker is a game in which bets are raised, irrespective of whether one holds a great hand or a useless one. The trick is to make other players think you are planning just the opposite of what you are actually going to do. Based on the method of playing for a long period, poker players have been grouped into four different categories. Anyone who newly enters the field of playing poker, either in a casino or online, should know what these four types are.

The four groups are Tight-Passive, Tight-Aggressive, Loose-Passive and Loose-Aggressive. They have nicknames also for these players. Only experience will enable you to identify to which category each of the players you face belongs. Some may look like easy targets. It should not be forgotten that poker is not just a game of chance but a mind game involving the power to read the others intentions, by his actions and in-actions alone and not by the expression on his face. It is also essential that to the extent possible you should collect information about the players with whom you happen to play normally. The information should be accurate. There are clever players who can change their style of play to fall into another category. They are able to do so by watching how the game is proceeding and how other players are betting.

One who seldom starts a call is called tight and the one playing more starts is termed loose. From their style of betting, a player can identify as to whether he is tight or loose. A tight aggressive player will only play if they have received good cards. They will be aggressive and will raise the bet. They are sure of what they are doing and it is not advisable to play against such a player, as you end up losing money. The tight passive player is one who is always reluctant to play unless he holds a very strong hand. They will never take a risk, but their style of playing will not be forceful. Beware of such players also before raising your bets unless you are sure of the strength of your cards.

A loose passive nicknamed 'calling station', because of their tendency to go on calling. This is how the amateur plays and it is easy to beat such a player. These players do not know when to hold. It is possible to scare them into withdrawing but it is good idea to enable them to keep on going so that your winnings can be more. The loose aggressive is a 'maniac' because of the tendency to play aggressively whatever hands they hold. They are dangerous to play against because you will never be able to guess what cards he is holding. Some great poker players have used this style to win tournaments. Patience is the key word to beat them. Poker playing for winning requires experience, patience, keen observation and timely action. A bit of aggression at times will be useful.


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