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Miyerkules, Pebrero 29, 2012

Online Poker With a Tropical Fruit

Poker is a century old game and the wonderful thing about it is people's interest in it is only increasing and intensifying! Today's online poker game websites stand as a living witness of this whole playful theory. It is no longer just casinos on Las Vegas streets or poker rooms in Atlantic City packed with bustle of players. Now, poker players and even novices of the game are highly indulging in playing poker online. Internet has turned out to be the biggest venue for playing and winning poker!

Amateurs of the poker game can start playing it free and slowly push for real money with a stack of cards. It is no wonder now that there are well over 500 websites offering a virtual opportunity to play poker games for real money. It is one of the most popular online games in the world and can be played for fun and wealth. Moreover, now there are various types of poker games, which can be played online like Texas holdem and more instantly!

Anyone who is interested can just take a few minutes to make the payments online in various international currencies and get an exclusive sign up bonus with such poker websites. Especially, for beginners, Texas holdem can be an amazing way to start understanding the variations and betting strategies for winning big games. Some other games, which are well famous, are the Omaha Poker, Seven-card stud, Razz and more. Online poker is a wonderful platform to make money quickly and it is a multibillion-dollar industry with attractive gambling options.

Every poker game has its own individual rake structure and people can make good money by participating in such raked games. Some of the special tournaments conducted will charge some entry fees to play and can turn out to be a real adventure for money! The biggest difference is that players won't be facing each other while playing virtually and this means that there will be no more assessments of body language and vital expressions.

People interested in playing poker online opt for it more than the real tables, as it can be played at anytime. In addition, the cost involved in playing online is far affordable and the age range is younger when compared to online table players. It is of course, vital for one to understand the rules and guidelines before placing their bets on the cards for real money.

The author of this article has expertise in Online poker. The articles on Texas holdem reveals the author's knowledge on the same. The author has written many articles on Poker games as well.


Martes, Pebrero 28, 2012

HOSE Poker Strategy

H.O.S.E. Poker is not just a poker game, but 4 popular poker variants jammed into one; commonly known as a mixed game. For this reason, developing a winning H.O.S.E. Poker strategy is more complex than a normal poker game.

H.O.S.E. Is made up of the following poker variants:

H = Texas Hold'em
O = Omaha Hi-Lo (Eight or Better)
S = Seven Card Stud
E = Seven Card Stud Hi-Lo (Eight or Better)

Playing H.O.S.E. Poker is not recommended unless you are capably familiar with each of these poker variants. However, there are specific H.O.S.E. Poker strategies and tips that can be applied, related to the entire mixed game, rather than the individual poker variants within. We have listed these below.

H.O.S.E. Poker Strategy - Understanding the Sequence/Rotation

A player should quickly familiarize themselves with the way H.O.S.E. Poker is played, both in sequence and rotation. The game sequence is found in the acronym of the name - H.O.S.E = Texas Hold'em, Omaha Hi-Lo, Seven card Stud and Seven card Stud Hi-Lo. These are the games and the sequence in which they will be played. Once the sequence of Seven Card Stud Hi-Lo is completed, Texas Hold'em will begin once more. The mixed game continues in this fashion until the ring game session or tournament is completed.

The Rotation of poker variants in H.O.S.E. Poker can be handled in one of three ways; by Hand, by Time or by Blind Levels. Rotation by Hand is a very fast paced game where players must pay close attention to each hand and its current poker variant. Rotation by time means the game changes after a preset amount of time (i.e. 5 minutes, 10 minutes, etc.). Rotation by blind Levels means the current game will change when the Blind Levels increase.

Make sure you are aware of the Rotation being used so that you are never confused as to which game is being played. Confusion equals mistakes, and mistakes equal losses. Practicing H.O.S.E. Poker for play money is a great way to get accustomed to the frequent change-ups in the game.

H.O.S.E. Poker Strategy - Playing Your Opponents

Poker is not just a game of playing cards, but playing your opponents. Keep a keen eye on your opponents and try to pick up on any behavioral patterns, betting patterns and other observable traits. Determine whether a player is tight or loose, if they always bluff on the Button to steal Blinds/Antes, and that sort of thing. Is a player only moving on with premium starting hands? Do they only raise with a monster hand? Do they slow play the nuts, but bet aggressively with marginal hands? If you can figure out your opponents', you can siphon their chips into your stack regardless of your own holdings.

H.O.S.E. Poker Strategy - Changing Up Your Game Play

Just as you are trying to read your opponents, you must realize that they are doing the same thing to you. Most poker strategies will tell you to pick a specific strategy and stick to it, keeping a strict course of situational actions. When playing against very experienced players, as are often found in mixed games like H.O.S.E. Poker, you should change up your strategy from time to time. Do not let yourself become predictable. Switch between a tight and loose game, be aggressive on occasion and keep your opponents guessing.


Lunes, Pebrero 27, 2012

How To Achieve Your Dreams With Poker

You can achieve all your dreams with poker, and this Texas Poker strategy is going to reveal exactly how, step by step. Don't miss out on it.

Texas Poker Strategy Step #1 - Define Your Dreams

What do you want to achieve from poker. How much cash do you want. You can choose to have a few hundred dollars a month, or a few hundred dollars a day. Or you can take it all the way and become a multi-multi-mega-millionaire all from poker. It's up to you

Texas Poker Strategy Step #2 - Accept What You'll Need To Get There

If you just want to make some extra cash on the side and have fun doing it you may be able to get there for practically nothing - or maybe just a $30 book and a few weekend of practice. On the other hand, if you want to win the World Poker Tour you'll probably have to spend maybe a couple of thousand on books and courses and spend one or two years really practicing.

Texas Poker Strategy Step #3 - Make A Plan

Fail to plan and you plan to fail. This plan doesn't have to be extravagant, just a bit of an outline of where you want to be.

For example, it could be something like this.

Week 1: buy a book, read the book.

Weekend 1: find some online poker rooms to play on.

Week 2: play at lower limits and test some strategies from the book.

Weekend 2: choose one strategy and make some/any money from it.

Week 3: practice and perfect that one strategy.

Weekend 3: move up stakes one level and make some more money.

Week 4: by end of week four I want to be able to make $50 in a couple of hours sitting.

Week 8: after 2 months I want to increase that to be able to make $150 in a Saturday sitting.

This is a very achievable plan and would only take maybe one or two hours a night and then four or six hours on each weekend.

Texas Poker Strategy Step #4 - Do It!

This is the most critical part, obviously. All you have to do is stick to the plan and actually do it. Each of us come up against our own roadblocks and you need to fight through them. For some, it may be the reading part. For others, it may be confusion with the betting. For others it may be finding the spare time - if so maybe you could extend the plan out to be longer or free up some prior commitments.

In any event, you need to do it. And when you do it you will achieve whatever your dream is for poker.

One more secret little thing. As you are reading this article I'm sure you are becoming aware that there may be some things that could get in the way of you achieving your dreams that you currently don't even know about, and you are realizing that the only real way to understand these is to find out about them, or learn them.

For some of you, you are experiencing a keen feeling of curiosity and excitement because you aren't afraid of learning and becoming better - in poker or in life. And I truly want you to harness that feeling of curiosity, and the feeling of intent to really act on and go out and get the information because it is this essence of a person that turns them into a great poker player. Anyone can do it, all you need to do is find new information, get it, learn it, and repeat.

Every time you see an opportunity right in front of you and you act on it you become a better poker player. And every time you do seek to acquire new information and learn something new about poker you will become a worse poker player.


Linggo, Pebrero 26, 2012

Online Poker Conspiracy Theories

Although playing casino games online is rising in popularity, plenty of interested players are still on the fence whether they should try it too or not. There are a variety of reasons for this and one of them is the fact that many online casino players are spreading the word that online games are rigged.

The reality though is that casinos are built with the odds stacked against the players but some online players have concocted some conspiracy theories and although there could be some truth to them, there are also logical explanations. That said let us look at the most common conspiracy theories being thrown around the internet.

It is believed by some that good players get bad beats. There are plenty of cases when a good player with a good hand is called by a bad player with a weak hand and sometimes, the bad player edges out the good one. The reasoning provided by conspiracy theorists is that casinos would make more money from bad players the longer they play so they tend to make them win early on.

A logical explanation for this is that online games are usually played loose and in that nature of a game, good hands hold up less. Also, the fast-paced nature of online gaming doubles the chance of a good hand being beaten. It is very possible that a good hand can be beaten through sheer luck and it is even more pronounced in the online world where more games are being played by the hour.

The cash-out course is another conspiracy theory that many people believe in. Basically, it involves someone cashing out some of their winnings and once they started playing again, they run into a string of bad lucks. The explanation by conspiracy theorist is that people cashing out are flagged by the casinos because they are taking out some of the money that could be made by the company. Thus, once they return to play, the money they have is distributed to other people who are more likely to lose it all.

Strictly speaking, the cash out curse is real. With less money for cushion you could bust sooner than later. Poker, although a game of skills is also dependent on luck which means you could have a string of bad luck, then a string of good ones. With more money in the bank, you can weather that string of bad luck without busting. The cash-out curse is therefore a statistical law and not something that online casinos are switching on and off.


Biyernes, Pebrero 24, 2012

Life Lessons From Poker

"Whether he likes it or not, a man's character is stripped at the poker table; if the other players read him better than he does, he has only himself to blame. Unless he is both able and prepared to see himself as others do, flaws and all, he will be a loser in cards, as in life. " ~Anthony Holden

Poker is a simple game. It is based around 3 actions; checking, raising or folding. Despite its simplicity it takes a lifetime to master. Poker has taught me many things about myself, others and life.

Sometimes You Have To Fold.

Everyone who has played poker knows the familiar feeling of being 90% sure that their hand is beat but not being able to let go. You may have already invested a lot of money into the hand with what might have been the best hand pre flop; pocket kings. But then an ace comes on the flop pairing your opponent's ace. Now only a miracle will save you.

Sometimes we just have to let go of something that isn't working. There are going to be times where relationships and careers realistically aren't going to go anywhere. We must let go of these to free ourselves to move onto better things.

Remember that you can't win them all. It's always a mistake to put your chips in when you're second best.

You Will Lose

Every single poker player has lost money at one time or another. It is how those losses are handled that separates the winners from the losers Sometimes we face a setback in life. It is how we react to this setback that decides our future. A poker player who has just lost a lot of money will often go on tilt and start to make bad decisions in order to try and win it all back. Other poker players on the table love to see this. When a person has lost their head they've already lost their money.

Patience Is Key

Often when we don't see any short term gains we give up on our endeavours but to have patience is key both in poker and life. In poker impatience costs inexperienced players a lot of money. These players want to make as much money as soon as possible but if the situation isn't right then this won't happen. In life, sometimes we are blinded by short term gains and gratification when the real gains and gratification can only occur in the long term. We have been brought up with the attitude "what's in it for me now" instead of taking the time to make calculated well informed decisions that lead to a higher probability of success.

Be The Aggressor

My last lessons were talking about how patience is key and how sometimes we have to let go, so when I say be the aggressor, you may think it sounds contradictory. However, winners in poker and life tend to have an aggressive mindset. Winners don't just react to the situation, they change it. Winners like to make sure that the opposition is the one who has to make the tough decisions. In life people who push through the fear and take risks get what they want far more often than people who just wait passively for good things to happen. How can you have a relationship with that man/women if you've never asked them out? How can you get that promotion if you've never asked for it? The truth is that you can't and won't unless you are the aggressor.

Bad Beats Happen

Sometimes no matter how correctly we do things, there are days where everything seems to go wrong.

When your pocket aces are cracked by a player catching a 2 on the river to give them a set you feel annoyed. "I didn't deserve that, I was 95% favourite on the turn, what bad luck," you may cry.

But bad luck is part of life.

Without the bad luck there can't be any good luck.

Bad luck and good luck will both occur but you have to learn to take them both in stride. It is how we react after, that determines the kind of person we are and our future successes or failures.


Huwebes, Pebrero 23, 2012

Heads Up Poker Strategy

To be a successful winning tournament player you have to have a solid heads up strategy. Thankfully you can train your skills playing heads up SNG's that most populair pokerrooms offer. Also, you can specialise in heads up poker and make profit playing heads up only. Here is a solid heads up poker strategy.

The absolute beginner falls quickly in the gamblers mentality; they think that when he gets garbage his opponent will get garbage too and it's a coinflip who is going the win the heads up game. Strategy is no longer on their mind, while this is a huge aspect of heads-up play.

The Button

Every poker player knows position is important in poker and that's also true in heads up poker. When you are on the button you can act first preflop and act last post-flop. Heads up this is a huge advantage on your opponent. For example:

You get Kc 5h on the button. Every King or Ace is worth a raise so you raise 3 or 4 times the big blind. With that preflop raise you take initiative of the hand and your opponent has to be careful and he may be worried with your raise. Also, when he calls you act last on every street postflop. So when he misses he is forced to check (or it's a LAG player) and you can take the pot easily with a continuation-bet.

So, having no position is a bad situation for you. The best strategy is to pick good hands to play out of position. I suggest you only call raises preflop with suited connectors, any A, any K and pocket pairs. Fold most hands when your opponent raises from the button. You should make big raises when the button just limps and you wake up with a hand. It's better to pick up the pot preflop out of position so you don't have to play on postflop out of position.

Hands you can play heads up

A common mistake in heads up poker is that you have to play every hand. It's true your opponent has rags the most of the time, but it's important to play good hands in big pots.

Let's take some examples.

Everyone who has played heads up knows that you get bad hands like; 93offsuit. Everyone knows 93o is a bad hand but most players call the bb with that hand. What flop would you like? 993 ? 935 ? The statistics shows how bad these kinda hands are.

82o against KQs = 30% chance to win.

82o against 9To = 29% chance to win.

82o again 34o = 48% chance to win (against 34o!)

82o against JJ = 11% chance to win.

Lets see what the % are against suited connectors like 67s

67s against KQs = 40% chance to win.

67s against 9To = 38% chance to win.

67s again 34o = 58% chance to win (against 34o!)

67s against JJ = 21% chance to win.

You gain 10% with playing suited connectors. The best strategy is to just fold when your opponent raises from the button with hands like; 84 / 73 / J2 / 94 / Q4 etc.

Phases of heads up poker

You both start with a equal stack, probably 1500 chips. You have won some small pots and now the chip count is 1800 for you, 1200 for your opponent. In this phase you don't want to play big pots since at this stage one hand can turn around everything. In heads up it's all about taking the lead and to keep the lead.

The next phase is when you have 2000 chips and your opponent 1000. Your opponent needs to get some chips soon, one mistake of him is almost his end of the game. This is the time where you can steal pots by raising big and preflop aggression. But don't raise too big, you don't want to double up your opponent and give him the lead.

The last phase is when you have 2500 chips or more and you opponent has 500 or less. Now the game is in your control. Your opponent has to go all-in with almost any hand. Alot of people have no patience and double up their opponent and move back a phase. The strategy for this is; Fold, fold fold and call with any Ace or a pocket pair. When you think your opponent is pushing with rags you can call with hands like KQ/KJ/KT. Have patience and soon you'll win the heads up match.


A player misses a flop 2 out of 3 times. So when you have a hand like 75s and the flop is Q85, min raise you opponent because his bet is 2 out of 3 times a continuation bet. When he's fighting back you should fold your bottom pair. In heads up poker it's very common that bottom pair is the best hand so don't fold them too often. Also, when you play with aggression you can have him fold the best hand. Every hand is a fight for chips, bet and raise for information, don't fold too often with a pair, but don't play big pots with bottom pair. Good luck at the heads up poker tables!


Biyernes, Pebrero 17, 2012

Online Poker Strategy - Donk Betting

There is a term in poker called the 'Donk' bet. This refers to when a person out of position calls your pre-flop raise and then leads into you with a bet on the flop. The normal routine in all poker games is the flop is checked around to the pre-flop raiser as he has shown strength and the players usually wait for him to act to then decide to continue or not. So a donk bet while not uncommon is a play less used.

However different player types use donk betting in different ways.

For a weaker player, i.e. a fish, they tend to lead out on the flop for the minimum amount to see where they are in the hand. You can usually raise these players the size of the pot and 8 times out of 10 they will fold.

If the weaker player leads out on the flop and calls your re-raise, you should beware as this is often a trapping move by the weaker player

If the weaker player donk bets the minimum amount and then re-raises your raise on the flop, I would advise to throw away all hands bar monsters as he always has two pair or better here and wants to play for stacks.

For an experienced player, the donk bet should be used in a balanced un-exploitative way. If you only lead the flop with draws, your thinking opponents will quickly pick up on this. You should alternate your play and donk lead with not just draws/weak made hands and air, but also with sets, top pair and overcards. You should have a donk bet percentage of between 15-25% and should now form part of your online poker strategy.

So how can we exploit a experienced regular player? Easy, if a regular player raises your cbets a lot, then this inversely affects his donk betting patterns. This means he is more often value raising hands on the flop than leading on the flop for value, so when he donk bets you know it is at the bottom of his value range/air, so you can safely raise his bet and he will fold.

And vice versa, if he rarely raises your continuation bets and he now leads on the flop, it is safe to say that his donk betting range is stronger. You may call the donk bet but if he double barrel leads out on the flop and turn the turn, then his range has now narrowed even further to the top of his value betting range and is now in your best interest to fold even top pair hands.

As you can see, once you understand the concept of donk betting and how it affects players ranges, it is easier to formulate a plan to combat it. This can be said about any play in online poker. If you spot an opponent is doing too much of a particular play, then it obviously makes sense to exploit this by counteracting it to your benefit.

The easiest way to pick up on opponents tendencies is to play 4 tables for a while as this gives you enough time to analyse all the big pots even when you are not in them. Go through the bet sizing and note any weird non ordinary actions a player may take and after time you will see your own hand reading skills improve to a standard where you will crush the games you play.


Huwebes, Pebrero 16, 2012

Everybody Samba!

Rio de Janeiro is a rocking tourist hot spot in Brazil. It is known for its different tourist attractions and allures which all bring a huge number of travelers each year. Some call it one of the most amazing cities on the planet. Rio de Janeiro is a city situated in Southeastern Brazil. It is a sophisticated, multicultural city with a population over six million people. It is Brazil's second largest city and metropolitan area with 6.2 and 11.8 million people respectively. It's a breathtaking place that promises the experience of a real tropical paradise. But travelers should be cautious of a few things.

The city is certainly becoming a substantial and booming economic metropolis yet it isn't free from the issues involving poverty. The largest societal divide between the lower and upper class is found in the favelas throughout the city. The low income rate is high in Rio de Janeiro which fosters police corruption and allows for many potential pick pockets. Just like with many other unique and exotic travel locations, you shouldn't feel the need to bring attention to yourself and act like a high roller. Being cautious and keeping your wits about you might save you from a thieved pocket book. So be practical and keep your cash under wraps.

With that in mind, relax and enjoy the weather! Rio has a tropical local climate which is characterized by hot humid summers and moderate dry winters. For a week in late February, Rio de Janeiro becomes full of cheer opening its arms to welcome travelers which will be captivated and full of delight all through Carnival. Carnival is celebrated throughout Brazil - Sao Paulo, Florianopolis, Recife, Manaus, etc., but the two most popular carnivals occur in Rio de Janeiro and Salvador, Bahia. Carnival was introduced from Europe by the Portuguese, over 500 years ago, as a pre-Lenten feast and celebration. In the 1800s, the Rio de Janeiro nobility attended masked balls and carried out parades. Carnival performance participants delve into their roles with the aid of colorful and intricate costumes. The commoners partied in the streets in a much more raucous style. Right after slavery was abolished, the African musical tempos permeated the celebration, gradually evolving into the Samba street parties of the mid-1900s. Carnival has numerous parades; however the most elaborate are created specifically to highlight plot-driven, themed samba school routines.

Rio's Carnival has grown to be world-famous through the Samba Parade, a show, a display and competition of the Rio samba schools. The two significant days are Carnival Sunday and Monday. Try not to miss it. In the event you really can't afford it, at least go on some other day, which can be significantly less expensive although less grand. Carnival time in Rio is very exciting, but is additionally the most expensive period to visit Rio. Hotel rooms and additional accommodations can be up to 4 times more expensive than the regular rates. There are large crowds at some locations and life is far from ordinary in several parts of town.

Join 888poker & enjoy a $10 Samba Bonus + $3,000 Rio Rumble tourney

Deposit $30 or more by 21/02/2012 using promo code: SAMBA888

Miyerkules, Pebrero 15, 2012

How to Improve Your Poker Strategy - Texas Hold 'Em

Playing Your Hand - Poker Strategy for Texas Hold'em :
Assuming that you know what good starting cards are and have made the decision to 'see the Flop', then it is time to get down to business. This is the most important part of any players poker strategy, and depending on what cards come in the Flop, you will need to assess your hand and which, if any, play you will make.

Now three cards hit the board either making your hand better or missing you entirely and the same goes for your opponents' hands too. It is time to play what you have or get out. Here are some of the situations that are most common:

You start with a Pair:
Usually this hand should be pushed hard to eliminate all the weak hands out. If your pair turns into a Full House or two high pair then you may play slower, unless the board is suited or connected, in which case you should push your hand.

You have a Straight or Flush Draw:
This is a difficult hand to make with your Pot Odds at about 30% so you should bet aggressively and try to eliminate opponents.

You have Top Pair:
If you were aggressive prior to the Flop then you should keep it up. Your objective is to get as many players out of the hand as you can before they improve their hands.

If You Flop a Small Pair:
If there are over-cards on the board and the players ahead of you have checked, then consider betting. This will force someone with a weak hand out, and if someone has a good hand they may come back at you, telling you that this 'baby pair' is not worth pursuing.

You get Three of a Kind:
Depending on which way you have made Trips, either with a well concealed pair in the Hole, or by having one Hole Card that matches a pair on the board, will determine your strategy. If you have the former and your cards are higher, then you have a strong hand. If you have the latter, then your opponents may have two pair or a good drawing hand. Be careful with this hand, if you push it early and the board has a high card they may fold thinking you have a high pair or better. If however the board looks like a straight or flush draw, then be aggressive and push out the people trying to draw their hand.

You get a 'Monster':
This is your luck day, if you get a Full House, Straight, or Flush at the flop. This is a time to slow-play and let others build the pot. Late in the hand take control and push it hard. One note of caution would be if the straight or flush you have is make up of lower cards it is possible to get beat by a higher one concealed in the hole, so in this case you should push early to get the ones looking for a draw out.

What to do at The Turn:
If you think your ahead at this stage your should be aggressive, but watch out for the player who is slow-playing their monster hand. If they some back over the top then you will have to decide if they are bluffing or not.

What to do at The River:
If you are at this point you should have an idea as to what your opponents could have relative to your hand. By now you have invested a lot in the pot, and the pot odds (what you could win versus the bet) should be pretty good. Exception to this would be if you did not make your drawing hand or if a very tight player who doesn't bluff is pushing. Don't get pushed out of the pot in most cases or you will get a reputation as someone who can bullied.


Martes, Pebrero 14, 2012

How To Play Pineapple Poker

If you have been enjoying Texas Hold Em and Omaha for long, and want to add a bit of spice to get a still more interesting version, you should try pineapple poker. It's already popular in card rooms of California and some online casinos also offer it. Unlike Texas Hold Em where players get two cards, you get three cards in case of Pineapple poker, which surely improves the chances of a player getting a better starting hand.

In case of Pineapple Poker, on getting three-hole cards, each player discards one, leaving them with two as in case of Texas Hold Em. Betting proceeds as in Hold Em.

However, as you are already spicing up the game by opting to play something different from Hold Em, and getting to learn how to play pineapple poker, you may as well play a still more popular adaptation of Pineapple Poker, known as Crazy Pineapple. Many online poker rooms offer this adaptation. In a game of Crazy Pineapple, players are dealt three cards, but the discard comes after the flop. So, after the hole cards are dealt, the first round of betting precedes the flop, and once the flop is dealt, players will discard one card. In regular Pineapple Poker, the discard is made before the flop.

Learning how to discriminate the cards, learning as to which ones to hold and which to discard, needs a lot of practice. It is not always a clear choice. Though this game isn't often found at many online poker sites, it will perhaps show up more in the future, as players require new ways to challenge their poker skills and develop their talents for various types of poker games.

After the flop is dealt and the subsequent betting round is finished, players discard their extra hole card. In case of pineapple poker, in both the basic and the crazy versions, the rest of the hand is played precisely like Texas Hold Em. This offshoot of Texas Hold Em provides more action without changing the play. Players can make a hand using several numbers of hole cards, including none. The betting rules remain unchanged and anyone having played Texas Hold Em would know the strategy concerning Pineapple Poker.

Nevertheless, that's not all, as there's a still more interesting version of this game, called hi-lo or "8 or better." Here, there's a possibility of the player winning half the pot on presenting the qualified low hand on the table. You must be wondering what qualifies as a low hand! That's a hand of five cards, each with different rank and each less than eight, and thus the name 8 or better. The lowest hand gets half the pot. That doubles the chances of winning for any player.

In case of a tie, the low hand is arrived by reading the cards in a very different manner. For instance, a hand which comprises of A, 2, 3, 5, and 7 is read as 75, 321 and a hand with A, 3, 7, 5, and 6 will be read as 65,731 and is thus the winner in case of a tie breaker. You can read on how to play pineapple poker, from the myriads of sites in the Internet. All these interesting games are available at many online poker rooms.

Lunes, Pebrero 13, 2012

How to Play Poker Baseball

Poker Baseball is played using the same format as Seven-Card Stud. In this game, 3's and 9's represent wild cards, and any player who is dealt a 4 face up receives an extra card.

1. Collect the ante from each player.
2. Begin the game by dealing three cards to each player - the first two face down and the third face up. If a player receives a 4 face up, he or she is dealt another card face down.
3. Follow with a round of betting. Bear in mind that 3's and 9's are wild cards.
4. Deal the fourth, fifth and sixth cards face up to each player, with a round of betting after each card is dealt.
Remember the rule for 4's that are dealt face up.
5. Deal the seventh and final card face down to each player.
6. Finish with a round of betting.
7. Determine the winner.

Tips & Warning:
1. The three outs, four bases and nine innings of baseball form the basis of this entertaining poker variation.
2. Players will have more than seven cards if they receive 4's face up.
3. Adding wild cards creates stronger winning poker hands, and you'll usually need a full house or better to win. Keep this factor in mind.
4. Your position at the table can often dictate your playing style. For instance, if you're last to play, you might try to bluff and steal the pot when appropriate. If you're first to play while holding a strong hand, you might bet small and allow players after you to drive up the stakes.
5. Don't expect to find Poker Baseball at a casino. Generally, games with wild cards are played strictly for fun.

This is a nice game to explore, I love to try this out. May be you can also check and try, let us see the feedback. See you in the table court :)


Linggo, Pebrero 12, 2012

Ways To Make Your Poker Bluffs Work More Often

Whether you play poker live or online, tournament or cash formats, for fun or for thousands of dollars - bluffing is a vitally important part of a balanced strategy. Look at it this way, if you never bluff, then it will be obvious to your opponents that a bet means you have a strong hand. If you always bluff you will find observant opponents calling you down 'light' and taking your chips away very quickly.

This article covers 5 great ways you can implement now to improve the success rate of your bluffs.

#1 - Avoid Buffing The Calling Stations It is a fact of life in poker that some players just hate to fold. They call with anything pre-flop, with any hand or draw on the flop... and build big pots with hands which seem far too weak to play at all! If you are constantly trying to push one of these players out of the pot with bets, you are not actually bluffing - you are just giving chips away. Now, some of these players will fold the flop if they completely miss... however if you meet any resistance at all then stop bluffing - you can always wait for a hand and value-bet these players instead!

#2 - Make Sure You Are Not Obviously Playing 'Backwards'.

Some players go 'backwards' with their play to an extreme and very obvious degree. By betting big and bold when you are weak and betting small or checking (perhaps trying for a check-raise) when you are strong, you give the advantage to any opponent who sees what you are up to. After all, in poker you want to get the chips in when you are ahead. Varying your play is important, however those players who always check when strong will find their big bluffs snapped off too often for them to be profitable.

#3 - Bluffing The Right Flop Texture

When a flop comes down with suited or connected cards, several of your opponents may call with draws to the various flushes and straights possible by the end. If you bet as a bluff and are called, you will often not know whether your opponents have a hand or a draw... making your next move unclear. Flops with a 'dry' texture are far better for bluffing, for example 2-7-Queen has only 1 high card and no 1-card straights - making it less likely someone will stick around if they missed the flop completely.

#4 - Make Sure Your Bluff Tells A Story

If it looks like you are drawing to a flush, which does not come in by the river, your bluff to try and save the hand will often get called. Since your play early in the hand, calling pre-flop and checking the flop / turn and your river bet did not match - your opponents are suspicious. This is just one example of your bets telling a consistent story, a key factor in successful bluffing. For example if you always raise with your ace-x hands pre-flop, it is hard to convince your opponents you hit the ace high flop those times you just checked or called!

#5 - Make Sure The Stacks Are The Right Sizes

Bluffing will often backfire when you play against very big or very small stacks in a tournament situation. The small stack might call out of sheer desperation, while the big stack might look you up with a variety of holdings - since the damage to their chances is limited if they are wrong. One more situation to watch for is when you raise a smaller stack (12 times the blind is a classic example) and someone re-raises all in. If you are getting odds of 2-to-1 or better then you can profitably call with many hands. This means you need to avoid bluffing in situations where this might happen when your stack is relatively small - fold or shove all in instead!


Biyernes, Pebrero 10, 2012

The Law of Attraction - Poker Style

Let's take a different look at an approach to the game of poker. Many people are familiar with the book titled "The Secret", it was based on a theory from Abraham Hicks, which he called "Law of Attraction". Basically, this states that if you think positive, then positive things will happen. If you have a negative outlook, bad things will happen. Like attracts like. This theory can get a little out of control. Some state if you constantly think about money, thousands will come in the mail one day. I personally look at it like this: We shouldn't be thinking about things we want; it should be more about feeling good and maintaining a positive outlook.

As it is related to poker, what sounds or feels good may not actually be the best way to make decisions while playing poker. If someone has that "good feeling", they tend to take chances outside of playing the appropriate odds, or they might play outside their bankroll. It begins to distort thinking and can develop into bad habits.

Obviously, feeling good plays a great roll in confidence. When you play with a sense of self-assurance you are will to approach the game differently. Your energy level, and focus is at a whole different level. If you play within your bankroll it is much easier to take out the emotions involved in the game. When you combine emotions with poker it becomes -EV on the other hand if you can exploit your opponents emotions that becomes +EV.

Most online players that play will either lose or simply break even in the long run. Attitude is one aspect of the game that keeps players on a negative downswing. If you start a session with a negative attitude it will effect your game and decisions. In all honesty, this is has the same effects on normal life. If you approach people with a negative attitude you will be treated differently. You must always try to keep your head up and your confidence strong.

This is why many of us have found a love for the game of poker. It is really isn't always about the money, it can be more about the dopamine that is released into your brain when you win a game, or a big hand. The key to successful poker is to understand the basics of the game, maintain a positive attitude, and exude confidence. Start each session as a new beginning. Don't focus on bad beats or losses. It will only manifest into a longer downswing and a negative outlook on the game.


Martes, Pebrero 7, 2012

How to Spot and Exploit Weakness In Poker Cash Games

Aggression in your betting is an important component of any winning poker strategy. Being the aggressor means you have two ways of winning the pot - either showing down the best hand or having your opponent fold. The real key to developing a winning cash game poker strategy is the use of selective aggression. Knowing when an opponent is weak will help you to get this right. This article looks at both obvious and disguised weakness from opponents.

Before we move on to the details there are two important factors to mention here. Firstly watch out for you very skilled opponents, they will be aware of how their actions are perceived and will try to mix up their play to deceive you. Secondly paying attention to the table, the betting patterns of all opponents and how different players react to different flops is important here. For example there is no point trying to push an opponent who always calls off of a 'weak' holding - he will call you anyway!!

Obvious weakness is the scenario where an opponent makes no attempt to show any strength. The first example of this is a pre-flop limp. Any opponent who limps from one of the later positions at the table when first to enter a pot is showing weakness. Re-raising from a later position will often take the pot down immediately. When called you will usually have position on the limper after the flop - when your opponent checks to you fire another bet to take the larger pot there. If called a second time you must slow down of course, however this works so many times that the rare scenario in which you are forced to fold will be more than made up for by the times you take down the pot without resistance.

Players who raise from stealing positions may also be weak. If your opponent raises the button when ever they are folded to you do not need to give them credit for a good hand. A healthy re-raise from the big blind will often take the pot pre flop. Remember to ensure that your opponent is capable of making the fold - no point bluffing a calling station here!

Many players who call raises pre flop will lead into the original raiser when the flop comes with a small bet. This is called the weak-lead and is usually a sign of a draw or vulnerable holding such as bottom pair. Firing a large raise will often take the pot down immediately in this situation. This is opponent specific - some players will make this same move when strong here so it pays to be aware of your opponents previous betting patterns.

Likewise some players bet very strongly from out of position after calling a pre-flop raise. Here the texture of the flop is a significant factor. If there are flushes or straights draws available then your opponent may be protecting a strong but vulnerable hand such as an over pair. If the flop is 'rags' the strong lead is more likely to be a weaker holding. How to react here will depend on your opponent, however a strong raise will usually take the pot in this scenario.

Sabado, Pebrero 4, 2012

How To Easily Incorporate Tells Into Your Game

Utilising poker tells is an advanced poker strategy that most people don't understand. I'm going to explain this in an easy to learn manner.

Now I am going to reveal an advanced poker strategy trick on how to pick up on and identify Holdem tells. Holdem tells are the little things other players do to give away what cards they have, or what actions they are going to do.

It's advisable to incorporate poker tells into your advanced poker strategy because this is a crucial area of any good Holdem poker strategy. Whether you are playing a full table or heads up Holdem you need to be able to have some idea of how to read another player to get some more info out of them.

Advanced Poker Strategy - Types Of Poker Tells

There are two main types of Holdem tells.

1) Involuntary. These are actions and tells that the opponent doesn't realise he is doing
2) Voluntary. These are actions and tells that the opponent is doing on purpose to try to throw you off.

Your advanced poker strategy should be built around the more useful one:

Advanced Poker Strategy - Involuntary Tells

Involuntary tells can consist of any number of things which may give away what cards the opponent likely has and how they are playing. There is an extremely long list so I'll go over the main ones.

- Facial Expressions

Facial expressions can consist of anything from forehead to chin wrinkling, eye movements, squinting and widening eyes, concentration expressions to name a few. The main point about facial expressions is many times people don't realise they are doing them.

We express almost every single emotion and thought that goes through out heads on our faces, and 99% of the time we have no idea we are doing it. That's why learning how to read peoples faces is one of my favourite Texas Holdem lessons. If you want to learn more, go and research FACS (Facial Action Coding System).

- Body Movements and Posture

The next most major area is a participants body movements and posture. Are they leaning forward or relaxed back? Are their arms crossed, open, fists clenched, arms shaking? Do they shrug their shoulders down or are they open? Body movements are also a major area where people do them and don't actually know.

The brain will automatically put the body into the best position for a particular job. So if someone feels they are being attacked and need to defend the body will cross itself (arms and legs) in an effort to "block" the attacks. This is just one example, there are a million more.

Like when you aren't confident you will slump your shoulders and move/look towards the floor. If you are confident you open up and move/look up. If you are nervous you will sweat or shake. Anger is usually a fist and tension throughout the body. If you want to learn more, go and research body language.

Incorporate Holdem Tells Into Your Advanced Poker Strategy Today Being able to identify and read the different Holdem tells is crucial to any solid advanced poker strategy. The extra information you can get from a player just from watching them careful can make all the difference to your decisions and outcomes of the game. If I had a dollar for every time I saw something and it helped me win...


Biyernes, Pebrero 3, 2012

Texas Holdem Poker Strategy on Bet Sizing

Texas Holdem Poker strategies are often the talking point for most Poker fans as your game can enhance quite dramatically with better planning and strategical. Tristan Wade is often seen as the straight forward player with easy strategies that can work for anyone. When not playing Poker, Wade teaches in the Deepstacks University, and his specialization is "Strategic Management". Let's see some interesting ideas and strategies being presented by Tristan Wade about Texas Holdem Poker.

Most Common Mistakes

The most common mistake in Bet sizing according to him is the making of Preflop. This problem is often due to the fact that the players exceed the limit from two to four bets. Once in blind range above that their bets are inconsistent. This leads to flop, and the obvious reason of that is that they are not aware of the Pot size. The players often make the mistake in judging the pot size and their bets quite easily too.

What are Some Factors of Preflop?

The two most important factors in this matter are the stake size and blind level. Every player must try to play with the 100 deep blinds in back of his mind. The 3x is often the best strategy for blind Preflop. The stakes are important and one should not keep them shallow. Incase of shallow stakes one should try to keep the bets up to 2.5 only. Similarly in the antes the blind bets need to stay under 2.5 as well. The other factors in this game that can influence include the table size and the players also.

What is Preflop Strategy for Big Blind? The big blind can be huge factor, and if not understood that can out play you easily. To defend from the big blind the good players should find a path in which they reduce their loss. This is vital especially when the bet is on the big blind side. The idea is to remain in the game till you have better hand and win back all the chips too. Same approach can work for the other players also.

What are Three Bet Size Strategies?

The three bet size is a situation where you can apply different approaches too. Different players use different approaches for this, and each works to some extent. One approach is to having small Preflop while you fold. If you are playing live, the one thing you can do is to keep the bet size up to four at most. The other option can be to increase from 3x but this might depend upon the style of player too.


Huwebes, Pebrero 2, 2012

The Importance of Poker Bonus

The craze for online poker is definitely on the rise. Many new players who have never played poker in their lifetime are now trying to test their skills on various online poker sites. Hence, we can see new poker sites that have emerged successfully. Many poker experts claim that the best thing about poker site is that it allows you to play your game from wherever you want. You can sit comfortably in your home or take a break at work to enjoy some cool poker games on the web. However, many poker players feel that the best part about these sites is that they provide poker bonus.

When you are playing poker games in a real casino you never get any bonus, but you do get a poker bonus when you are playing poker games on the internet. There are different poker bonuses and they are really important to attract more players on the website. Poker bonus can attract many poker players from all over the world, and therefore these websites come up with various poker bonuses that can help them to get more players. These bonuses are really important to uplift the confidence of the players because they get extra money that they can gamble and try to win some more money out of it.

Most online poker and casino websites have welcome bonus for all those players who register and transfer their funds for the first time to their account. This means that when a new registered member transfers $100 in their account, the bankroll shows up as $200 straightaway. This really adds to the self confidence of the player because the player can now first gamble with the bonus money rather than using their own money. However, players can only use that bonus money to gamble on the website and they cannot withdraw that money because it is a bonus and not a winning.

Apart from that, there are reload bonuses available that encourages players to keep playing more and add little amount of money every time they run out of cash. This definitely helps the players as well as the poker website to get more funds that can be used for jackpots. Some of the new poker sites have poker bonus without deposit option. These websites are rare, but they allow players to get registered and get instant poker bonus. The players get additional welcome bonus when they transfer funds from their account for the first time.


Miyerkules, Pebrero 1, 2012

First Depositors' Freeroll

Your $4,500 welcome to! From the moment you make your first deposit as a new member, you're already in with a chance to boost your bankroll.

Not only do we start you off with a huge Welcome Bonus but by making your first deposit at you'll score a free seat to seven daily $500 Depositors' Freerolls*, where a share of $3,500 is yours for the taking.

No bonuses to wager, no points to accrue first. Just make your first deposit and a share of $3,500 could be yours for the ride home.

And you'll also have a share of $1,000 waiting for you in the free-and-exclusive-to-depositors $1,000 Depositors' Freeroll.

If it's all a bit too much to take in, that's because it is! It's the best new member offer on the poker circuit so let's go over it one more time:

Make your first deposit and get:

Free entry to seven $500 First Depositors' Freerolls - share in $3,500 in cash!
Free entry to $1,000 Depositors Freeroll - share in $1,000 cash!
PLUS, 100% Welcome Bonus up to $400
With so much to start off with, go on tiger, it's time to deposit now.

*Entry to seven ‘$500 Depositors’ Freerolls’ will be granted within 48 hours of making your first deposit, excluding weekends.


Fold Your Way to Winning Online Poker

It turns out that the #1 cause of losing in poker is simply not folding. Therefore; the first, most basic, skill in poker is folding. If you said, "no duh, yea I know that" then go let's see if you do. The purpose of this article is to begin to teach you how to be nothing more than a winning poker player. What's a "winning poker player"? It's a player who can make a profit consistently.

Any idiot can win at poker (for a short while), but that's not the same as being a "winning poker player". At the end of the week the "winning poker player" has made money. At the end of the month they have made money. The difference is that a "winning poker player" doesn't crash and burn. This article teaches the key skill of folding.

Folding is the most overlooked skill by the majority of players. They can't fold. They won't fold. They find reasons to play when they should be finding reasons to fold. They think and then re-think, they try to read minds. They play pure position plays and think they can steal pots after the flop with any two cards. They think folding will make them look weak in the eyes of their opponents. It deflates their ego. They think they are poker geniuses. They are actually action junkies. These guys are going to be your new best friends, because they are going to make your mortgage payments for you.

The main reason people don't fold is because they want to play. They see each poker "session" as a thing that has a start and a finish. If they are going to play for only one hour then they want to play some hands during that hour. YOU, on the other hand, are going to understand that your poker career is One Big Never Ending Poker Session. If you sit down to play for an hour and you don't have any situations, cards and scenarios where you should play, then you won't play. You will fold for an hour, turn off the computer and know you did your job!! If you want to play a game for fun, play Monopoly. If you want to play winning poker then it's time to get a pen.

Get a pen and a pad of paper. On the top write "I ALWAYS FOLD..." then write the following. You have to write this out. Reading it is pointless. If you really want to burn it into your brain then you can write the list twice. As you write each hand THINK about it.

If you decide you aren't going to ALWAYS fold some particular hand then you better have a fantastic reason why, and you better be able to create a strategy for playing that hand in about 15 different scenarios. Otherwise, just convince yourself that you will always fold it for the next couple months - while you're becoming a winning player. Then, if you want, you can add it back into your starting hands with purpose and with a plan of action for the hand.

I always fold T8.
I always fold J8.

Now keep writing "I always fold" for the rest of this list. It's not every hand in poker, but it's enough for what we're doing right now. 's' means Suited, 'x' means "any numeric card". So KQs means "King Queen Suited" and Ax means "Ace plus any numeric card".

Write "I always fold" for each of the following combination:

Q9, A9, 74s, J7s, 85s 96s, K9, 54, 65, 76, 87, 32s, 42s, 43s, 53s, Q8s, T7s, Kxs, 64s, 98, t9, j9, 75s, j8s, k9s, 54s, QT, KT, 86s, AT, 65S, Axs, 97s 76s, JT, T8s, Q9s, 87, KTs, J9s, 98s, QTs, T9s, ATs, JTs

That's your list of unplayable cards. UNPLAYABLE, any position, any situation, the only time you will be playing these cards is if you post the big blind and check into a hand with them. Otherwise you're folding. You are folding on the small blind, you are folding on the button, you are folding with multiple limpers, raised pots, unraised pots, etc.

Before we continue though, I must state something that SHOULD be glaringly obvious to you, but might not be. When you check into a flop from the big blind with one of your "I fold" hands, it's extremely important that you do not get drawn into playing your cards unless you really strike it lucky on the flop. Let's say that you hold 83 as the big blind and it comes round to you unraised, so you check and get to see the flop for no extra cash, "free" if you like. The flop comes 864. You have top pair! You are DONE with this hand. Fold it. Don't bet it. Don't call with it. Just let it go.

In these instances your hand is no good. You are probably beaten already. If you aren't beaten already, it's highly likely you will be before the hand is finished. Very occasionally you will flop a monster - with your 83 big blind you could see a flop of 883, K33, or even 888 as some examples. It does happen - but these will be in the minority, and remembering this will keep you out of a whole lot of trouble. Just because you got to see the flop for free doesn't mean it won't cost you dearly if you play your mediocre flopped hand above its real value. We will cover this more in detail when we talk about playing the blinds.

Did you find that you said, "No way, I'm not folding this in 'whatever' situation"? How about TJ or ATs? There is an excellent chance that the list of hands you are always going to fold preflop is more than you can accept. That's OK! Just stop reading. This system of making consistent profits playing poker can be... in a word... boring. The fact that it works consistently is really secondary. Action junkies and people who play poker to prove how "smart" they are will have serious issues with the remainder of this article.

Finding more and more hands to play, and more reasons to play them make good players bad, bad players worse, and sucky players out of everyone. Please, for the love of all that is pure and holy understand this one thing. All the books you read and all the advice you got from people who read those books are based on the same antiquated concept of playing ONE table LIVE. That means that you are physically sitting at a table and only one table since there's only one of you. The cards are being shuffled; you're seeing maybe 35 hands per hour - if not less. You are playing the maximum stakes for your bankroll, because that's what you should do if you are single table, live playing.

The winning system in this article was created for a modern, multi-table, online style of play. Instead of playing one table at $2/$4, you're playing 4 tables of $.5/$1. Instead of seeing 35 hands per hour or less, you're seeing about 200 hands per hour. Instead of playing "whatever table is available" you are selecting only the best tables for playing your game, tables with huge pots and tons of passive preflop callers. Do you see what I'm saying?

The hands that you think you want to play preflop might be right for some other situation. But we're talking about a game where you can sit and play 4-5 tables at a time for hours on end and make money. This is a game that's designed for the 21st century online poker reality. Yes, it is still possible to play poker online for profits from the U.S.!

Now, for whatever hands you have reservations about... Like ATs... write 25 times. "I always fold" and the hand. Each hand 25 times. Each time reminding yourself that you are creating a new game, a disciplined game, a money making game that will bring you hundreds of thousands of dollars over your poker career, a game that's going to make you into a poker monster.

Done? If you didn't do this exercise and you think you're ready to go to the next section, then do me a favor. Go to the bathroom, remove the roll of toilet paper, and place a print-out of this article on the spool. You might as well put it to use, because you're not using it to learn how to play winning online poker. Do the damn exercise before you move on, please. It'll only take an hour, unless you're writing with your feet.

If you learn how to fold and you stop falling in love with every two cards you see, then you will be ahead of most online poker players. It's good to be an optimist! It's good to see potential in the future. However, when you do that with too many starting hands in poker then you end up slowly losing whatever money you actually won with your good hands. See, becoming a consistent winning poker player isn't just about winning with good hands - any idiot can win with a good hand. Becoming a consistent winning online poker player is also about HOLDING ONTO your MONEY! You cannot hold onto your money when you play too many starting hands in poker.

I'm not saying that you cannot win hands with the cards that are in the "I always fold" list. You can! However, I'm trying to help you create a laser-focused game that will consistently make a profit with lower risk of leaking away you wins. You don't have to play so few hands. But if you aren't going to try this system then why read the article at all? Poker is fun! All types of poker. This is a very tight style. Try it! See what happens.

If you fold all these hands, then what hands can you play? All pocket pairs, AK, AQ, AJ, KQ, KJ, and QJ. THAT'S IT! 19 preflop hands! How can you win by playing only these 19 hands preflop? If you play them correctly then it's pretty much impossible to lose!!